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IMPerfect Creation 丑陋 与完美

Beauty cannot be seen if one cannot see ugliness

From 20 October to 12 November 2016, the award-winning contemporary sculptor Ch'ng Huck Theng is holding his first solo bronze sculpture exhibition: 'IMPerfect Creation' at SpACE@Collins, Melbourne, Australia. The exhibition is presenting 11 timeless bronze works created by Ch'ng, each carrying its own unique story, meaning and philosophy inspired by different people and happenings around the artist.
Through this exhibition, Ch'ng will be introducing a new perspective to the concept of beauty and ugly in which beauty cannot be seen if one cannot see ugliness. The artist's 'Ugly' bronze sculptures depict current society matters that encourage the public to look deeper into their hearts and souls when faced with issues.
Ch'ng is currently one of the leading artists and sculptors in Malaysia as this year marks the artist's 22 years in art. His works are collected not only in Malaysia but around the world by respected institutions that include the National Visual Art Gallery Malaysia, Singapore Art Museum, Hong Kong University Museum & Gallery, Shanghai Art Museum and Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts (ENSBA) in Paris.
Ch'ng's bronze creations have been hammered off in local and international auction houses, setting impressive sales records. The artist's works were also selected to be presented as national gifts by Malaysia’s Prime Minister to China, London and Melbourne. It has remained as Malaysia’s largest sculpture ever presented to the Chinese government.
Rupert Myer AO Guest of Honour and the Chair of the Australia Council for the Arts will be officiating the event. The highly anticipated exhibition is set to be held at SpACE@Collins, Level 1, 278 Collins Street during the exhibition dates on weekday 11am to 5pm and Saturday 11am to 3pm.

2016年10月20日至11月12日 获奖无数的亚洲当代雕塑艺术家庄学腾将于澳洲墨尔本SpACE@Collins举办的首个个人铜像雕塑展:‘IMPerfect Creation  丑陋 与完美’。展览会一共展出11件由庄学腾创作的经典铜雕,每一件作品均蕴含一段独一无二的故事,意涵与哲学,灵感全来自于创作者从周遭事物所获得的体悟。




澳洲艺术委员会主席Rupert Myer AO被邀请担任此次个展的主礼嘉宾。展览地点为SpACE@Collins,1楼,278 Collins Street。展览日期从2016年10月20日至11月12日止,星期一至五11am至5pm,星期六11am至3pm。

关于展会地点 SpACE@Collins:

关于展会 about the exhibition:



MALAYSIA (Head Office)

7 Dunlop Road

10400 Penang. Malaysia.



Level 1, 278 Collins St

Melbourne, Victoria,

3000, Australia


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