FOR MORE INFORMATION about Gradini X Estée Lauder Black Truffle Diamond Afternoon Tea:
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Gradini X Estée Lauder Black Truffle Diamond Afternoon Tea Set at The Pottinger hotel, Hong Kong
由2018年6月1日至9月30日期间到中环.石板街酒店Gradini 意大利餐厅下午茶聚将会是美丽约会, 因餐厅与Estée Lauder携手呈献两个品牌的首个联乘下午茶「黑钻松露下午茶」。充满观感及味觉享受的全新下午茶, 创作灵感源自Estée Lauder 奢华矜贵的 Re-Nutriv 极致黑钻塑颜系列, 每天3时至5时30分供应。
Re-Nutriv 极致黑钻塑颜系列产品均融入黑松露精萃, 极尽尊贵。产量珍贵稀少的黑松露 (Black Truffle) 被誉为「餐桌上的钻石」, 其独特馥郁气韵, 让一众飨客趋之若鹜。 Gradini 意大利餐厅行政总厨陈勇进(Cano)特意拣选黑松露及多款优质食材入馔, 创制一系列以黑松露为主调的下午茶咸点, 配合各式精致甜点, 让食客齿类留香。 「黑钻松露下午茶」的美点以优 雅高贵的下午茶架盛载, 黑色及金色的图案设计巧妙地代表钻石切割面放射的光芒, 视觉及味觉上同样令人赏心悦目。

The Pottinger Hong Kong 石板街酒店 (中环 . 香港)
黑松露细致独特的香气与咸点中其他食材的味道互相牵引, 带来意想不到的层次感, 令滋味体验进一步升华。咸点包括「迷你龙虾三文治配黑松露蛋黄酱」、「慢煮牛尾酥皮盒配黑松露烧汁」、「36 个月San Daniele 火腿配黑松露蜜糖及无花果」及「黑松露配意大利软芝士开面三文治」。甜品方面, 总厨陈勇进 Cano 受 Re-Nutriv 产品闪亮高贵形象启发, 匠心创制「闪亮软心朱古力」及「Moscato 白葡萄甜酒啫喱配什莓泡沫」两款闪烁炫目的甜品。此外,「忌廉泡芙」及「迷你芝士蛋糕」同样不容错过, 为下午茶完美作结。
品尝下午茶同时,客人更可挑选即磨咖啡或 Tea WG 原片茶叶冲泡的顶级茗茶配搭,与 三五知己享受悠闲写意的下午。享受过精致味美的下午茶仍意犹未尽? 每位惠顾「黑钻松露下午茶」的客人可凭邀请咭于 Estée Lauder 美容专门店享受 Re-Nutriv 面部或眼部按摩一次,延续美丽旅程。「黑钻松露下午茶」一人份为港币218元 (服务费另计)。

The Pottinger Hong Kong - Gradini X Estée LauderBlack Truffle Diamond Afternoon Tea Set 黑钻松露下午茶 (兩位用)

Gradini Ristorante E Bar Italiano 石板街酒店 - Gradini 意大利餐厅
From 1 June through 30 September, afternoon tea break at Gradini Ristorante E Bar Italiano of The Pottinger Hong Kong will become a beauty experience as the restaurant joins with Estée Lauder to debut their first ever co-branded afternoon tea – Black Truffle Diamond Tea Set, available daily from 3- 5:30 pm. The Executive Chef at Gradini has created a feast for the eyes and taste buds as inspired by Estée Lauder’s luxurious Re- Nutriv Ultimate Diamond collection.
The beauty line is infused with precious black diamond truffle extract with potent energy for regeneration. Black truffle is coveted for its exceptional taste and aroma, and known as “diamond on the table”. Executive Chef Cano Chan is serving a sophisticated spread of savouries and patisseries featuring this edible diamond to tantalise diners. All savoury items are made with black truffle and other premium ingredients. The culinary treats of the new afternoon tea are presented on an aesthetically designed tea set stand lined with black and gold patterns reflective of the glamourous facets of diamonds.
Lingering with the irresistible scent of black truffle, the savoury bites include “Mini Lobster Sandwich with Black Truffle Mayonnaise”, “Slow-cooked Oxtail Vol-au-vent with Black Truffle Gravy”, “36-month San Daniele Ham with Truffle Honey and Fig” and “Black Truffle with Mascarpone Cheese Open-face Sandwich”. Chef Cano also surprises dessert lovers with an enticing selection of dainty desserts including “Glittering Chocolate Truffle”, “Les ChouChous Cream Puff”, “Mini Cheese Cake” and “Gold Moscato Jelly with Mixed Berries Foam”.
To complement the glittering afternoon tea treats, guests can choose from our freshly brewed coffee or a selection of premium assorted loose-leaf teas by Tea WG. For extended enjoyment, each afternoon tea guest will also receive a complimentary voucher to a Re-Nutriv Face or Eye Massage Service at Estée Lauder beauty boutique. Price for "Gradini X Estée Lauder Black Truffle Diamond Afternoon Tea Set" is HK$218 per person (subject to 10% service charge).

74 Queen’s Road Central, Central, Hong Kong
(Hotel Main Entrance: 21 Stanley Street)
Phone: +852 2308 3088
Email: info@thepottinger.com